Urban Tellers®
Many of our stories are available on our YouTube channel. Be so kind as to Subscribe, Like, and Comment. Enjoy! Our work brings people together to share stories of our mutual human experience. To paraphrase playwright, Tarell Alvin McCraney, “This is theater as community. It is holy theater not because it exalts something on high, but because for the time onstage, the audience and the storyteller are one, and all those people, though each seeing and hearing it slightly differently, are following the same course and going on a journey together.” These live storytelling experiences have given people an inside look into the heart and soul of our community. Listeners are invited to embark on a shared experience that is a potent blend of vulnerability and heart. It’s an evening of discovery, connection, and honesty woven together in a tapestry of shared experiences. Portland Story Theater, Christa Morletti McIntyre tells us, “is a different place to be – one that nurtures experience, dignity, and the up-down staircase of being alive. The stories are about the person telling them, but more than that, they’re about the thread that unites us and takes us all to an even ground through the telling. You can read the entire piece: Once upon a time: true stories at Oregon Arts Watch.Urban Tellers® Online
Theater as Community
Armchair Adventurer
As of 2025, these recordings are no longer available through Portland Story Theater. The plan is to create a digital download so you can access these online. To keep up to date on this progress, please visit the website of Lawrence Howard. Thank you. Real Life Adventure Stories
These stories are all the more incredible because they really happened. Epic stories of great adventure, perseverance, and courage, created and told by Lawrence Howard and recorded before live audiences.